Ozone processing of vegetables and fruits during storage

Ozonation drastically reduces contamination of agriculture production of putrefactive microorganisms, level of metabolic processes, prevents the germination, i.e., addresses the main causes of damage to agricultural products. Ozone prevents formation of mould colonies on the walls of the store, wooden boxes and other packaging material. 

Table with the parameters of ozonation of some vegetables and fruits:

Ozone concentration in the air in mg/m3
The single ozonation, h
Storage temperature° c
12-14 mg/m3
3-6 hours
5-6 mg/m3
through the night
4-6 mg/m3
3-4 hours
4-6 mg/m3
4-6 mg/m3

Another table with the parameters of ozonation of some fruits and vegetables drawn from other sources. Temperature settings are not specified.
Duration of ozonisation hours per day
The frequency of ozone
The optimal concentration of O3 in the air
3:00 per day
3 times a week
3-8 mg/m3
4:00 per day
1 time per week
7-13 mg/m3
3:00 per day
2 processing per month for 2 days
16-20 mg/m3
4:00 per day
1 treatment per month 3 days in a row
5-15 mg/m3
2:00 per day
4 processing per week
9-12 mg/m3
5:00 per day
2 times a week
9-14 mg/m3
5:00 per day
2 times a week
4-9 mg/m3
The optimal concentration of ozone in the air environment premises for disinfection and fruit, as well as vegetables and fruits-5-10 mg/m3.
Ozonation of  the vegetable store recommended 1-2 times a day.

Storing bananas in ozone air environment prevents damage, eliminates the appearance of spots, improves the nutritional value and storage life in 2 times and more. 
Strawberries, raspberries and grapes tend to create a mold colony during the storage period. This trend is easily suppressed by introduction of ozone (concentration -2.4 1.6 mg/m3) without compromising the quality and taste. As a result of the retention period is doubled. 
Effect of ozone in storage of apples can be detected when the ozone concentration from 1.6 to 8.0 mg/m3 depending on the grade. Experiments conducted in the United States, showed that the quality of most types of apples does not deteriorate even after cold storage for 5 months when ozone concentrations 1.6 mg/m3. With increasing ozone concentrations observed deterioration of taste of some sorts. Experiments have confirmed that the apple does not deteriorate over time when stored in a medium with the ozone concentration of 2.4 mg / m 3 of ozone at a temperature of + 50C. 
When storing oranges impervious even to relatively high concentrations of ozone-32 mg/m3 in the store. Their maturation also slows down due to oxidation of ethylene and other metabolic products. 
During potato storage processes affecting its nutritional value. The most important of these are: changing the content of starch, vitamins, as well as the breath of the tubers. In the ozoniruemyh of potato tuber starch content and vitamin c increased, whereas sugar content decreases. While respiratory intensity remains virtually unchanged. Ozonization in color, flavor and texture of tubers are not changed. Ozonation delay sprouting potatoes and lengthens shelf life without compromising crop quality.
Sink (excerpt) ozonized water in ozone concentrations 10 mg/m3 for 4 minutes or more securely destroys bacteria brown rot. 
Preservation of fruit and vegetables

Processing of products with ozone significantly slows down metabolism products, at the same time, reduced oxygen consumption and reduced activity of some enzymes. When you store potatoes, white cabbage, carrots, apples, grapes have a high efficiency of ozone.
Studies have shown that small doses of ozone increases the biological value of products. To process fruits and vegetables in vegetable production bases, the ozone concentration should be 20-25 mg/m3 for 4:00 every 4 days during the whole period of storage. Even just 1 processing times per month gives tangible economic effect, since the products are preserved much better.
Fruits and vegetables are already subjected to any process in a cell with high ozone concentration up to 40 mg/m3.
Ozone-treated fruit can be eaten through 6:00 pm after the last treatment. 
Disinfection of fruits and vegetables during washing (United States)

Ozone at concentrations of 0.05-0.15 ppm (0.11-0.32 mg/m3) is used in washing water, while concentrations of 1-3 ppm (2.14-6.43 mg/m3) are used in ozone water sprays.
In cases where water is sprayed through nozzles, water-based ozone concentrations should be 3 ppm. In practice, at the exit from the nozzle, ozone concentration is reduced to 1.5-2.0 ppm. After the release of ozone water mixtures from nozzles, resulting in a drop in pressure, part of ozone evaporates out of the solution. The water at the time of contact with the surface of the products must contain at least 0.5-1.0 ppm ozone. The attached table shows the reduction of contamination after spraying ozone water solution. 
Table: processing of fruits and vegetables by ozone in wash water.

Ozone dose
Ozone dose dispenser
The exposition of the mines.
Reduction of order
3 ppm
2 ppm
3 min
in 6 times
3 ppm
2 ppm
10 min
in 6 times
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
3 ppm
2 ppm
5 min
in 6 times
Trichophyton mentagrophyte
3 ppm
2 ppm
0,5 min
in 4 times
3 ppm
2 ppm
3 min
in 4 times
Campylobacter jejuni
3 ppm
2 ppm
3 min
in 4 times
Aspergillus flavus
3 ppm
2 ppm
5 min
in 4 times
Brettanomyces bruxellensis
3 ppm
2 ppm
3 min
in 4 times
E-coli(Escherichia coli)
3 ppm
2 ppm
0,5 min
in 5 times
Ozonation barrels of gaseous ozone (United States wine)
For disinfection of 220-liter casks used ozone generator, which pumps in the air at a speed of 32 l/min, produces 220 ppm ozone and completely replaces the air in the barrel for 7 minutes.
Performance 400 ppm ozone generator, pumps air more slowly (15 l/min) and required 15 minutes to fill the air in the barrel.
Dosage in 500-600 µg/m3 (0.5-0.6 mg/m3) for 1:00 99% destroys microorganisms. In the lid of the barrel is drilled hole 9 mm diameter, through which ozone is served. Next, in the lid, drilled a hole of smaller diameter air outlet.

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