Data to be collected

1. Summary of the development (main points and scientific and technical novelty of the development, unique features and novelty of the suggested investigation. Fields of application). What is the purpose of the final product or technology? What are new possibilities for customers? What problems of customers will be solved?

Ozone is represented as active oxygen. With it help disappears an unpleasant smell and germs. Difficulties for the production of ozone and its high cost causes slowdown for its wide use. On the other hand the need to use ozone, still manifests itself in everyday life.

Ozone fully affect microorganisms and eliminates them produces disinfection. Ozone divides part of organic and non organic molecules and oxidizes them. With the help of this quality smells gone (deodorant quality). When with help of the oxidation of toxic gases begins thinners evaporation of natural metals (Fe, Mn) and  ozone prevents from them. Ozone also connects the cigarette smoke, fine powders and nano-particles and removes from the environment.

With our technology the price of device and energy consumption for ozone production  is very low. Therefore the product is highly cost-effective and competitive.

The purpose of the technology is creating hybrid ozone generator, the beginning and the introduction of low-yield production, production and introduction in the relevant industry, where there is the most demand.

We offer our customers effective solutions to all the problems that are unavailable or unprofitable for them.

For our customers appear efficient ways to produce environmentally friendly products and long-term storage opportunity, revitalizing sectors such as processing manganese production, meeting the challenges of unemployment and lack of competitiveness of products.

2.   Brief comparison with available home and foreign analogs or with those under development with respect to fields of application, technical parameters, environmental parameters, cost, etc.
Today the prices of equipment in the world existing technology for the production of ozone or  disinfection facilities are four times (300%) more highly than our equipment,  also 3-4 times high energy consumption and not rugged, durable, than our devices. Therefore our technology mainly uses the know-how of materials, the product is highly cost effective, durable and competitive.
Ozone is eco-friendly product, gas is presented as having the power of high oxidation, the strongest means for disinfection. Ozone prevents from PH. When comparing with the strength of oxidation with other separators and ozone’s 99.99% quality of high concentration bacteria elimination, it is much efektive in the following cases:
·         25 times more efficiently than HOCl (hypochlorite acid);
·         2 500 times more efficiently than OCl (hypochlorite);
·         5000 times more efficiently than NH2Cl (chloramine);
As a means for disinfection, ozone at least 10 times more efficiently than chlorine and works without residue. Ozone may at any time and in any form, divide into parts all types of organic substances. Floor time decay of ozone is 22 minutes, after it becomes oxygenated and leaves no residue. Ozone is also active oxygen, prevents bacteria, provides disinfection and sterilization.

field of application :
·      To disinfect water ((tanks, springs, pools, aquariums, water supply systems, drinking water, bottled water, polluted water - In these areas, our technology already used in Georgia) , cleaning nitrates and amoniuma, cleaning iron-manganese).
·      Manufacture of food products and long-term storage (meat, fish, Poultry production, processing, storing and freezing cameras, processing of vegetables, fruits and spices, plants, food industry, beekeeping and as a substitute for poison-chemicals - In these areas, our technology already used in Georgia).
·      Chemical processing of carbonate ores of manganese (increase productivity by 20-25%, while the loss of manganese are reduced to 15-20%, characterized by high quality (98.8%), Mn and high profitability, is required for melting special steel). We already negotiate and aimed to implement our technology in Georgia
·      Cooling towers (University, restaurant -  (Our technology already used ),hotels, residences, schools, offices, schools, institutes, cafes-bars, clubs, cinemas, theaters, food store after the fire).
·      Medicine (Sterilization, treatment (zone therapy) In these areas, our technology already used in Georgia).
·      To disinfect clothing (hospitals, hotels, military barracks, residential houses).

3.      What is known about investigations performed in the same field at present (name of the work,     year, authors, institution, etc.)? Which organizations and researchers work on the same problem in Georgia and abroad? Which of them do you contact? What results do they have as compared to yours (are they behind or ahead).

In research in the world known and particularly noted the France – TRELIGAZ; Germany -  SIMMEMS,  the American company GENERAL ELECTRICS; Russia - MSU Department of ozone; Ukraine -  Kharkov Institute of physics . We have attempt to cooperate with German, Russian and Ukrainian companies.

4.   Stage of the development (degree of completeness)

q  Theoretical basic research - Yes
q  Basic research - Yes
q  Laboratory sample - Yes
q  Pilot sample - Yes
q  Preparation of documentation - Yes
q  Pilot plant (arranging of small production) - Yes
q  Semi-industrial development - Yes
q  Industrial plant – No

5.   What are the rights to the development, and who owns the rights?

The main – Ozone production -patent intellectual property belongs to the authors of the patent. (Jano Burjanadze, Giorgi Burjanadze, Furtseladaze Boris.) . Add-ons and ancillary patents for the basic patent also have strong owners and are their property. Deciding voice has the owners of the basic patent (Jano Burjanadze, Giorgi Burjanadze, Furtseladaze Boris.).

·            Distilling device  GEGE  P 2005 3487 B
·            Equipment for sterilization EGE  P 2006 3772 B
·        The cleaning method of natural, including hydrogen sulfide waters GEGE  P 2007 4063 B
· Method of obtaining drinking water from natural, including the                                        sulphurous waters  EGE  P 2007 4064 B
·          Method of purification of the quarry waters containing copper ore  EGE  P 2013 5887 B

6.   Who else can claim the rights to the development (external organizations, collaborators, etc.)

Except for the owners of main as well as auxiliary and additional patents, no one has the right to them.

7.         Publications describing the development

q  Papers - Yes
q  reports to external organizations  - Yes
q  abstracts - Yes
q  intellectual property (patent, copyright, certificate, etc.) - Yes
q  others Yes

8.  Is there any financial and/or organizational support of your research by other organizations (including governmental and municipal bodies)? In which form is it (grants, additional funding, subcontracts, enlisting of employees, materials, equipment, software)?

By Georgia over the last 10 years our devices were used on the 12 enterprise . The owners of the basic patent (Jano Burjanadze, Giorgi Burjanadze, Furtseladaze Boris .) has not taken either from the Government or from private companies no financial or material support or assistance.

9.   Is standard technological equipment necessary for realization of the development, or is unique equipment necessary (for industrial application)?

Our technology and devices  are unique for industrial use

10. Which techniques and instruments available in the department can be useful for external customers?
Such technology  efficiency, devices  and instruments, are not available for other users.

11. Which software, databases, etc developed in the department can be useful for external customers?
Related software security and data is not available for other users.

12. Did you get in touch with potential partners concerning the development realization? Are there any obligations?

Yes, we had contact with potential partners around the technology implementation.

1.         Colloid chemistry of water – Kiev UKR
2.         MINERVA – Germany
3.         Ministry of Energy and National Resources of Georgia

We have not got any responsibilities.

13. Are there preliminary agreements on purchasing the rights for the results of the work implementation?

 No, intellectual property issues with this purchase has not yet considered.

14. Who, in your opinion, could be a potential client for the development?

·       Chemical processing of carbonate ores of manganese
·       Manufacture of food products and long-term storage
·       Ministry of Environmental Protection and the private sector

15.   What help would you like [organization conducting this assessment] to supply in realization of your developments?

·                     Preparation of demonstration models
·                     Implementation of pilot programs
·            The update, renewal of patents (new patents - May apply to the prepared, already existing ozone technology, improved through Know How components).
·                     Satisfaction of demand across the country
·                     Reinvest of all business areas
·                     Takeout technologies outside of the country and its implementation
·            On a theoretical level, already developed a hybrid model ozone generator on solar energy, which will give 2 times more energy savings for our technology and 6-10 times more than other existing analogues.

16.  Please provide the list of the people working in your institution in Georgian (please refer to the enclosed excel file)

Burjanadze Giorgi  - Leader Scientist
Furtseladaze Boris – Head of Laboratory

Tsivtsivadze Giorgi -   Economic Geographer

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