Ozonized water in the basin

Ozone is used for water purification and disinfection of swimming pools, not only by an order of magnitude more efficient and safer than traditionally used chlorine, but also has healing effects on the organism of the bathers.

Ozone is three Atomic modification of oxygen gas with a pungent smell, strong oxidant. Ozone is produced from oxygen and converted back into oxygen. Ozonation of water-purification and disinfection technology of ozone by dissolving the ozone gas into the water. In circulating systems of swimming pools is applied ozone technology has been successfully along with traditional chlorination, UV disinfection, silver copper ionization due to a number of undeniable advantages.

On the technological advantages of using ozone for water purification in the basins of the many and detailed. Again do focus on the main ones:

·         ozone has much more powerful disinfectant than chlorine effect, destroying the species of bacteria and viruses resistant to even high doses of chlorine;
·         Ozone affects water comprehensively: disinfects, cleans from contaminations, deodorizes;
·         ozone leaves no oxidation by-products such as organochlorine compounds, poisonous or caustic chloramines with the characteristic "basin" smell;
·         When combined with chlorine, ozone destroys chloramines and prevents the formation of chlorine organics.

That's why ozonized water even in the presence of chlorine does not smell "bleach", does not irritate the skin and eyes. Chlorine consumption required only for prolongation of action of ozone sterilizing Bowl is reduced on average 2-3 times. And another: you can not worry about his expensive bathing suit-ozonized water would erode and not obescvetit not the fabric over time, as does chlorine!
The popularity of ozone for pools of buyers grows from year to year, despite the relatively high cost of quality ozone equipment. Gentle blue tint, perfect transparency and spring freshness of ozonized water is not the only reason there is a growing demand for pools with ozonated water. Bathing in the ozonated water is also a useful health procedure providing a positive impact on skin and body bather in General.

The use of ozone in medicine began hardly before its use for cleaning and disinfection of water and air, namely at the end of the 19th century.

Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties of ozone immediately drew the attention of doctors. List of diseases, which are successfully treated with ozone, was so extensive that in the United States in 1885 appeared for the first time document describing the use of ozone in medical practice and formally authorizing its use by American doctors of medicine. So was born the ozone therapy is a field of practical medicine, covering ozone treatment of skin infections, abscesses, Burns, tuberculosis, pneumonia, diabetes, nerve disorders.
Later in the early 20th century after the advent of medical ozone generators and especially before II World War-ozone therapy is widely used in hospitals in Europe. Ozone is actively used during World War I and World War II in the treatment of wounds and burns. According to the Russian Association of ozone therapists on the 6-th World Conference on ozone in the United States in 1983 year was defined by a list of 33 's diseases preventable for the successful treatment of ozone. These include: AIDS, cardiovascular, cancer, atherosclerosis. Along with the efficiency of ozone demonstrates its high security, as manifested in the absence of side effects during treatment.
So for many decades, the large-scale use of ozone therapy, there have been no deaths associated with the use of ozone. For comparison: each year as a result of the use of medicines in the United States killed about 140 thousand people. It is no secret that ozone is an irritant for pharmacological companies actively lobby medicamentous treatment approaches.
Of particular interest are the system biological properties of ozone, i.e. its tonic effect on the body as a whole, which drew the attention of German doctors back in 1936,.  To the present time biochemical processes in the human organism under the influence of ozone, studied well enough and are as follows:
getting into the tissues and circulatory system, even in very low concentrations, ozone increases the oxygen capacity of blood in 2-10 times that enhances both dissolved in plasma and erythrocytes associated with oxygen; as a result of increasing the level of oxygen in the blood are activated oxygen-dependent processes, improves oxygen supply to tissues, optimizes the metabolism;

in response to the introduction of ozone occurs in the tissues and organs compensatory increase in the activity of antioxidant enzymes, i.e. retard aging as a result of indirect antioxidant action of ozone; Restores microcirculation and peripheral circulation due to some pressure extends the action of ozone, restoring circulation is due to inclusion in the work of the capillaries, which in normal state are not involved and do not participate in the supply of oxygen to the tissues; Ozone also launches the mechanism of stimulation and cellular and humoral immunity, increasing the body's resistance to various infections.
And since ozone dissolved in water penetrates into the systemic circulation of blood and lymph through the skin the bather as a result of diffusion, as it happens when taking any medicinal baths with dissolved gases-carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, radon, is it any wonder that after taking the pool with ozonized water you suddenly feel a burst of energy, improved mood, improved efficiency, and after some time a regular bathing with ozonized water-improvement of the complexion and strengthening overall health.
The most complete implementation of the therapeutic effects of ozone is possible in small pools for individual use indoors, where low mud load allows you to completely abandon the use of chlorine. The correct selection and installation of quality ozone equipment will in water pools maintain residual ozone in mikrokoncentraciâh, absolutely safe for respiratory bathers.
Ozone should be arranged for the safe operation of the installation, how to properly calculate its power for a particular pool, how to properly install ozone generator for pool-answers to these and other questions-a separate theme of conversation.

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